About Trish Porter Topmiller
Family Life
My eyes were big at the Olympics taking everything in. It was even more incredible since it’s where I met my husband of over twenty years, Pat Porter. He was a two time Olympian (’84 ’88) in the 10,000 meters, eight times National Cross Country Champion, thirteen time U.S. National Champion and world record holder.
Pat and I got married December 15, 1991. We lived in Alamosa, Colorado for four years and then moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico in 1995. I call Connor (June 1997) and Shannon (April 2001) our two gold medals!
Connor was a competitive fencer and medaled, tied for third place, at the 2012 U.S. National Fencing Championships. He was passionate about paintball, loved to sell whatever he could come up with to make money, loved making people laugh, and was a hugger. He also loved Jesus!
Shannon loved her brother, dad, clothes, make up, and figure skating. She started skating when she was four years old (but went the first time when she was eighteen months), and has loved it ever since.
When people asked me, “What do you do?” I’d say, “I’m a stay at home mom who is never home!” I love being a mom and enjoyed every moment of all the activity, travel, laughter, taxi driving, and love.
On July 26th, 2012 Pat, Connor and his good friend Connor Mantsch never came home from their guy’s trip in Sedona, Arizona. Pat’s plane crashed on takeoff and Trish and Shannon’s world changed forever. Half her family was gone, and their new journey began.
Trish made it through each day because she clung to “I trust you Lord”. Her faith in Jesus Christ and knowing Pat and Connor were in heaven because of their belief in Jesus meant one day they’d see them again. For this, she is incredibly thankful.

Pat Porter 1988 Olympic Trials

Shannon and Connor May 2012

Connor, Pat and Connor Mantsch
About Trish Porter Topmiller
Current Life
Our journey continues as we encourage our daughter Shannon, continue to impact others for Christ, and look forward to each day and the blessings God has for us. Our family expanded as we blend James’s family with ours and now includes a wonderful granddaughter.

(2018) Shannon and Trish

James and Trish

Shannon and our new family: The Topmiller’s
– Chuck King
“For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required.”
– Luke 12:48